Participating in Clinical Trials: What Patients Need to Know

2 minute read

By Kate M.

For patients, clinical trials can be an opportunity to access new treatments and contribute to the greater good of public health. However, deciding to participate in a clinical trial is a significant decision that requires understanding what’s involved, the potential risks and benefits, and how these studies are conducted.

Understanding Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are research studies performed to evaluate medical, surgical, or behavioral interventions. They are the primary method researchers use to determine if new treatments, like drugs or medical devices, are safe and effective. Trials often involve comparing a new treatment to a standard one, a placebo, or no treatment at all.

The process is highly regulated to protect participants’ safety and provide reliable results. Patients considering participation should research the specific purpose of the trial, the treatment being tested, and the phase of the trial, as each phase has different goals and risks.

Benefits and Risks of Participation

One of the key aspects patients need to consider before joining a clinical trial is the balance of potential benefits and risks. Benefits may include access to new treatments before they are widely available,1 close medical monitoring and care from the research team, and the opportunity to contribute to medical research that may benefit others.

However, risks can include side effects or adverse reactions to the treatment, the treatment not being effective, and the time commitment required. It’s important for patients to thoroughly discuss these aspects with the healthcare team conducting the trial and to learn more for more insights.

Informed Consent and Patient Rights

Informed consent involves informing participants about all aspects of the trial, including its purpose, duration, required procedures, risks and potential benefits, and alternative treatments.2 Patients have the right to understand all this information before agreeing to participate and can withdraw from a trial at any time.

Patients should also inquire about their rights during and after the trial, including access to study results and post-trial care. Resources are available to guide patients through the informed consent process and understand their rights fully.

Learn More About Clinical Trials Today!

Participating in clinical trials is a personal decision with significant implications for both individual patients and the broader field of medical research. It offers potential benefits and novel treatments, but also comes with certain risks and commitments. Learn more about clinical trials and consult your doctor to find out if there’s one right for you!

Kate M.



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